
Sunday, August 6, 2023

Trump Chart and Facing the Truth

 I'm going to try to keep this one quick.  I have a great book from interlibrary loan about the history of Mongolia which will require a lot of my time.

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I often think about Trump's progressed chart having Venus in Libra.  In fact I believe his progressed Venus may have been rising around the time he declared his first campaign for pres.  It's been a while since I checked his chart though, so my memory could be playing tricks on me.

Above is Trump's chart progressed for Jan 6, 2021.  Maybe I checked his chart today, after so many years, because I watched the movie Uncle Tom a couple nights ago.  I found it to be a very polished presentation of right wing propaganda.  Venus rules in Libra and it is exalted, though accidentally, in the 12th house.  That's just the tip of what I think more people need to understand about this current set of circumstances.

Here is a link to a Youtuber's reaction to Uncle Tom.  I stumbled on the full movie for free, but can't find it now.  

I've been having a rocky transit of Saturn in Pisces on my natal Mars.  My 9 year old cat was really sick and  I wrestled with calling my wonderful vet as I watched her 3 month decline in quiet horror.  By the time I contacted the team of animal angels to euthanize her she was in shamefully awful shape.  I knew the doctor would be very diplomatic and not judge me, but I judged myself and found myself miles below the level of kindness this team of medical women apply to their work. 

As I was digging the hole for Mimi's corpse in my back yard I got in a visit with my Mexican neighbors.  We talked about animal care and our various experiences with vets; their encounters have been very judgemental, "How can you feed your dog that horrible food?!"  They pushed my neighbor to buy Science Diet.

Then the conversation moved to the recent gunshots.  I hear them at night and wonder.  Turns out our neighbor around the corner has had 2 bullets come through her front bedroom windows.  We all know the back story.  She is from the same pueblo as my next door neighbor.  We are all friends attending each others' bday parties etc.

I get irritated with liberal activists demonizing cops and tell people I have a secret inner Trump.  But after this episode with having my cat euthanized by a very kind and understanding vet, and only realizing after talking to other people about my shame in not spending more money to intervene in my cat's disease, that other people struggle with the same shame;  I'm coming to understand I'm not alone in this failure to reach such a high level of care for my pets.  

There's a difference between reaching for a goal because we're inspired by a stellar example and doing something to avoid being shunned.  I feel confident my vet wants the best for my pets, but understands my limitations.  

I'm surrounded by people who speak little or no English and struggle mightily to improve their lives.  Their hope, like the kindness of my vet, is a constant source of inspiration to me.  

My cat's body was in my freezer for a few days.  I had to interrupt digging the hole and save energy for cleaning houses.  Every time I opened the door her peaceful face was there.  I had wrapped her in a blanket but could not bear to cover her face.  It was a bit spookey.  I thought about the words for breath in Greek and Hebrew; psyche and ruach, and how they are related to the concept of soul.  That spookey feeling, like seeing her body was seeing her, as though she could wake up and return to life, made me think, "this is where ghost stories originate."

For me, every new experience with death is a chance to understand the popularity of ghost stories.

Saturday, while I was cleaning a house, I received a txt photo of flowers delivered to my front door.  Sure enough they were from the vet team.  I put them out on the spot where Mimi is tucked in the earth.  I keep driftimg to the back door and looking out at the beautiful bouquet.  I feel so forgiven for my limitations, so accepted as I am, so grateful for what I learned from both Mimi and the vet angels.

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I think people could learn a lot about both astrology and Trump by studying this chart, by contemplating the meaning of his progressed Venus in Libra and his progressed Saturn eggsactly on the midheaven the week of Jan 6, 2021.  Only an understanding of the mathematical likelihood of such an alignment can reveal the wisdom, or as the Greeks said, Sophia, tucked in the charts.

Whatever will be will be.  Like my vet, I believe that the vast majority of us are trying our best.  We're trying to take care of our pets, to be good citizens, to make it through life as creatures of impulse reaching for an understanding of our various stews of desires.

Seeing polished right wing propaganda made me feel better about my irritation with left wing propaganda.  I just don't like the smell of mendacity period.  But the whiff of truth, from any direction, is truly the breath of life.  Most of the time I find truth mixed in with tall tales.  I'm learning to live with that.

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