
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Out of Bounds Soul

 Today I came across a video of a soul out of bounds.

Out of bounds in astrology 

Out of Bounds has been on my mind for the last few months.  Now that the Moon's North Node has finished backing through Cancer and is precessing* through Gemini we are beginning to see the Moon out of bounds twice a month; when it is in Capricorn it is lower than the low of the southern tropic and when it is in Cancer it reaches higher than the high of the northern tropic.  This cycle of the Moon's pulsing wave, as it currently increases in amplitude, is a good one to follow when meditating on the soul unfolding through life and history.  From May 2020 through Jan 2025, twice every cycle, the Moon will push the boundaries progressively further.  While this process will peak in Jan 2025, it will still take 4 1/2 years for the amplitude of the lunar wave to come back down to the level of the ecliptic.  One of my favorite meditations on the soul centers on following this cycle of the Moon's nodes through the years (using an ephemeris) and considering historic events.

Meditating on the Meaning of Soul

I've also been noticing my deepening conviction that past lives, past life regressions and discussions of reincarnation can be a distraction from understanding the real meaning of soul or psyche.  I think stories about recalling an individual past life, as though an ego, aka I, or individual identity, can retain its existence from one creation to the next, can be misleading fictions.  They serve some purpose in coming to understand how individual lives are connected through generations; but by inferring that we can carry even a part of the identity we experience in our physical existence from one body to the next we are negating the definition of psyche in its relationship to ego.  Psyche is free of the body and free of the limits of the ego.  The ego is limited to the body and physical existence.  

Observing our actual changing relationships with others, especially in the context of the Moon's cycles, gives us invaluable insight into our very real psyche, or soul.  I'm including this video of a young Syrian born YouTube star in the Netherlands as an example of soul or psyche in action.

 Obada Sykh is a Young Netherlands YouTube Star

First I want to tell a bit about what led me to the video. I was looking for examples of how to pronounce the Arabic word for service - عبادة‎. 

It is transliterated Ibadah, but when I pasted the Arabic version of the word in the search bar I kept getting hilarious videos of a kid parodying himself, his mother and his brother.  They were all labeled Obada Sykh.  I could not understand a word he was saying, but his facial expressions, props and body language were enough to hold my attention and make me wonder who he was and what he was saying.  I guess he was imitating his mother when he modestly adjusted the scarf he was wearing over his curly hair.  I really wanted to be in on the jokes that were unfolding through the various characters he played. 

 After several searches for some information in English, I came upon a video about him made for Netherlands public television.  "Obada: YouTube star but all alone."  I'm putting the same link near the end of this post.

The story of this young man's family is as soulful as any story I can think of.  It tells about all the ways it is difficult, but essential, for us to maintain connections.  It's a full 45 minute documentary.  During much of it I was reminded of all my neighbors and friends from Mexico and further south.  One remark especially made me think of them.  The father said that their family members in Syria were jealous of their lives in the Netherlands, while they in the Netherlands were jealous of, and longed to return to the life of their family in Syria.

The video that originally led me to this beautiful family's story was posted May 15, 2021.  Here is the link ---> Funny video by Obada Sykh  

This link goes to the documentary about the young performer and his family ---> Obada: YouTube star but all alone

And now for the charts.  It was 9:35 when I started watching the video.  Raleigh was just turning past Uranus in Taurus on the midheaven.  Maybe this family's journey will be as inspiring to you as it was to me.  If you are an astrologer I wonder what will be going on in heaven when you watch the video.

Below is the chart for when the video ended.  Jupiter was crossing from the 7th house of friendship (right side of chart, just above horizon) to 6th house of service.


*precess is an old astrology term for cycles that go backwards compared to normal planetary motion like the Sun progressing through the 4 cardinal points of the seasons.



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