
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Moon near Saturn

Can you feel in your inner world the Moon near Saturn today?  Last night I ducked committing to do a favor for a friend this morn.  I was concerned about getting enough rest before going to work this afternoon.

This morning I declined politely to contribute to the Democratic Party when a caller read her scripted appeal.

A new friend in Guerrero told me two weeks ago that she is despondent because she has no money to pay for removal of a cyst in her reproductive tract, and I was reminded of her when a relative here said she had just sent a bit of money to help out.  My only response at the time of the friend's cry for mercy was, "I am so sorry for your worries! That sounds terrible!"  And, as we said good night, ending our text exchange, "I hope you are able to get a good night's rest and feel stronger in the morn to face this challenge."

She felt despondent she said, because there was no money and noone she could turn to for help.  I did not take the opportunity to help in response to such an obvious appeal.

I'm putting the chart for the moment two weeks ago when my new friend sent the text that she was "un poco mal."  The Moon had just entered Saturn's 7th house, or Saturn's house of partnership.  Many astrologers would say the Moon was in opposition to Saturn, which to me highlights the difficult nature of partnership.  I like to use the word fulfillment; when a planet crosses the half way point in its cycle between meetings with a slower body, it is the time of harvest in the cycle of gestation, fruition, decay and rebirth.

Fulfillment of the Saturn mandate is not the miracle of fishes and loaves.  Saturn is forbidding father time, so its fulfillment is not as florid as, say Jupiter's or Venus's.  Fulfillment of Saturn is more like the inevitable effect coming from the limiting cause, or as modern educators say, 'consequence.'  When a child does not finish assigned homework and must complete the task during recess it is called a consequence.

This afternoon I go to clean for my ex husband.  It is always a bitter sweet day when I am in his home.  I treasure my time in his space, surrounded by the objects that inhabit his quiet home life, but I must keep a strong faith in the path I have taken, to make a life apart from him, and not let my mind circle on questions of why I could not be happy in the marriage. 

The Moon is near Saturn.  Unconditional love which flows from  the soul is lined up in the sign of philosophy and music with the planet of  discipline.  My husband has a good stereo and a wonderful collection of music.

As soon as the friendly plumber comes, if he is able, to fix the outside faucet I will be off to clean for my Sagittarian dream guy. 

The cool thing about Sagittarians is that by the time they are thirty they have evolved into Capricorns.  The later they are born into Sagittarius the earlier the sobering transformation.  My husband is an excellent example, for a man who drinks as much beer as he does, he is very sober and values his integrity. 

Then too we are both nearly sixty, and he was born when the Sun was near the end of Sagittarius, so it has progressed (Sun progresses 1 degree per year) through Sagittarius and Capricorn and is now working its way through austere Aquarius.

So today the Moon renews its cycle with Saturn, a new chapter begins for the soul and the limits of existence under which it labors.  The second chart is for today.  The Moon is the crescent and will be visible in the chart near the symbol of the cross over the crescent.  The cross of existence means we can only be in one place at a time as long as we inhabit our respective individual bodies.  Saturn is the cross of existence over the crescent of the soul.

If the skies are clear tonight they will be visible in the middle of the sky soon after sunset- the little dot of distant time and the growing Moon.

One last note, sometimes I do remember the small, but not insignificant percentage of earth's population that lives in the Southern Hemisphere.  While we see Saturn low in the sign of the archer, they see it high in the sign Gemini (not same as constellations), so the soul for them meets discipline  in the sign of communication as opposed to philosophy.

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