
Friday, November 19, 2010

Like it Too Much!

A Mexican friend describing in English his enthusiasm for Elvis once said, "I like him too much!"  I love stumbling with friends from other cultures over unfamiliar expressions, it makes me feel like water tripping over pebbles on the way to the sea.  I like Uranian transits too much!  This past weekend I got hit upside the head over and over with the serendipitous beauty of Uranus and Jupiter in Pisces conjunct my native venus.  I'm not going to list all the...yes I am:
In Durham on the second day of an astrology workshop I made a beeline for the Waffle House.  There's beauty #1.  But WAIT; in the parking lot is a recently painted purple pick up truck with the Chevrolet logo in pop tops on the rear window.  That got my attention, and as I circled this piece of work before entering I saw too many geegaws to mention affixed on the headlights, the hood, everywhere from front to back, all recycled materials.  I was lucky to be single and take the only vacant seat at the bar, as a couple of groups sat patiently waiting for a booth.  There on the counter in front of the older guy seated next to me was a cell phone adorned with three discreet blue dimestore gems remarkably similar to the gems on the truck in the parking lot.  Yes, I got to meet the artist!

Beauty #2 was an artist at the workshop who had brought along his portfolio of finely detailed computer generated drawings.  What a provocative and varied collection of work, followed by photos of the wood carvings he now executes!  Wow!

Beauty #3 discussing blogs with a classmate I asked for the address of her inactive website; and this morning was treated to this!  Very cool!

So I am a very satisfied venus in pisces to say the least.  

Blog Update 

I know it is time to make pages on this blog; I hope to make that addition in the next two weeks.  The previous post All Event Times are for Raleigh NC is the first draft of the Our Sky horoscope column that Karen was smart enough to decline for The Triangle.  I am very grateful that she is such a discerning but polite and generous editor. 

I do like having this brief listing of astrological events for the month and I have referred to it several times during November; however, this process of following day to day events is new to me, and I am realizing there is a bit of lag between the astral event and my perceived 'reaction.'  I would like, if time permits, to continue this on a monthly basis since it is a good exercise in following natural time more closely.  Maybe I will have a new listing, on a dedicated astrology page by the 1st of December.

One more addition I am considering is a study of historical persons in the gay rights movement,  or astrological profiles of queer heroes.  My first study subject would be Henry Gerber, who was jailed in 1925 for publishing a newsletter in support of gay rights.  Big plans!  

I almost forgot!  Beauty #4 Kelly Gorritz of the duo GlennKelly blew in from Idaho Sunday night and I was treated to a very exclusive (just the two of us) performance of a few original tunes and one cover.  I was right up close and able to admire intimately her perfectly disciplined fingers working their magic on the neck of her traveling guitar.  Watching her older face as she played, and hearing her calmly fierce voice, renewed our friendship from across many states and left good vibes in my dining room.  



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