
Friday, November 17, 2023

The Hour is Nigh


A further quote from Philo.  I just love that this is stuff people were reading when Jesus was walking on Earth.

XXV. (77) And some one may inquire the cause why it was that man was the last work in the creation of the world. For the Creator and Father created him after every thing else as the sacred scriptures inform us. Accordingly, they who have gone most deeply into the laws, and who to the best of their power have investigated everything that is contained in them with all diligence, say that God, when he had given to man to partake of kindred with himself, grudged him neither reason, which is the most excellent of all gifts, nor anything else that is good; but before his creation, provided for him every thing in the world, as for the animal most resembling himself, and dearest to him, being desirous that when he was born, he should be in want of nothing requisite for living, and for living well; the first of which objects is provided for by the abundance of supplies which are furnished to him for his enjoyment, and the other by his power of contemplation of the heavenly bodies, by which the mind is smitten so as to conceive a love and desire for knowledge on those subjects; owing to which desire, philosophy has sprung up, by which, man, though mortal, is made immortal.

This Mars conjunction of Sun is getting to me.  A bit of astrology helps distract my mind from all the distressing thoughts generated by distressing events.  They're always out there.  But sometimes they really grab our attention and squeeeeeze!  They wring it like the final spin on a Maytag wash cycle.

Sooo - in case anyone is wondering how I got this time.  It really is not hard to get to.  Just follow these 7 easy FREE steps.  We're entering the deep, dark secrets of the Swiss ephemeris.  Oooh!  This will be an adventure for sure.

First go to the page.  Go from All about Astrology (at top of page) > Ephemeris > 9000 Years Ephemeris > Planetary Cycles > Mars Cycles 1600-2100. I made the images for these steps small, but you can click on them to get a better look.

Now for the wand waving -- That 5:43 time next to the Nov 18 date is UT which is kind of like GMT.  (London Calling)  If you scroll back up and look in box of info above the chart you'll see Time and then Univ Time right under that.  To get the time for Raleigh, I subtracted 5 hours from the Univ Time.

I got a chart for Nov 18, 2023  Raleigh, NC 00:43 and there you can see (in the bottom left quadrant) Sun right next to Mars at 25Scorpio37.