
Friday, March 6, 2020

White Like Me

I have a new part time job working for Power Up NC, a non partisan environmental justice arm of NC League of Conservation Voters.  Kind of a surprise for me, but looky at Venus coming to meet with Uranus in the beginning of Taurus (circled in green just above eastern horizon).

I put a blue circle around Mercury at the top.  Below is a version of the same chart with more info included.

The chart below shows where it (Venus) was when I first started getting involved with Power Up.  And here's a link to a (long) post from that period in my life.  Tripping with a Leo
For the next several years Uranus is in Taurus, which is my Sun sign!  (born May 3) I didn't circle Venus in the above chart for July 23rd.  Can you find it in the upper left quadrant of the chart?  See Sun and Mercury just to the left?  They were all in Uranus' 3rd house.  

Now Venus is about to line up with Uranus, which is the end of Uranus' 12th house.  In July, Venus was in the early steps of its cycle with Uranus.  Now it is ending that cycle and getting ready to start a new one!  

I have learned a lot about the work of organizing people for environmental justice during this cycle of Venus and Uranus.  I did a chart a few days ago when i watched a funny video.  I was telling my old boyfriend about some of the racial justice discussions i had participated in.  He asked if i read Black Like Me.  Yes!  I remembered that book!  He said he was thinking of a sketch Eddy Murphy did on Saturday Night Live called White Like Me.  He smiled remembering it.  So i watched that and laughed a lot!  i left the title 'White Like Me' when i did the chart for today.

I am attending a lot of city government meetings, meetings to learn about nonprofit community advocacy groups.  I have to write a lot of reports in order to keep everything straight.  Sometimes i go to two meetings in a day and also clean a house.  It can be scary to make a record that someone else will read.  Am i including the best info for them to get the important stuff from a meeting they could not attend?  It takes some time to meditate on the meetings and decide how to record all the communication I've been engaged in.  That's what i was thinking about when i did the chart for this morn. Two nights ago i was scared I could not get it all down.  This morning, after spending time looking at websites of the organizations we met with, and the video of the Raleigh City Council meeting, i felt like i was gaining a wonderful familiarity with the workings of local government.  I look forward to knocking on doors and sharing my enthusiasm for the changes that are afoot in my town.  We can be involved!  It's not as hard as we think! It's fun to know what's actually going on!  

Mercury stationary at the end of Aquarius.  I've had a good teacher, sending me to various groups for leadership training, organizational meetings and such and then discussing with me what i've learned.  The last section (dodecatemoria) of Aquarius is Capricorn.  See how many days Mercury is backing through the last 2 degrees 30 minutes of Aquarius?  I was lost and scared while it was in Pisces.  How would I ever keep up with all this talking?  Now i finally have time to review and study.  I feel like i have a better handle on the flow of info.
 So this morning i am noticing Venus near the end of its cycle with Uranus and feeling that i am near the end of my first big adventure with community organizing.  And with Mercury retro, slowing down at the tail end of Aquarius i am going back through scary but cool opportunities to synthesize info from several sources and report my findings.