
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Difference Between Ram and Bull

I often wonder about difference between Ram (Aries) and Bull (Taurus) mascots in zodiac.  This morning I googled it and this is the first video that came up.
Ram vs Bull

This second one is 6 minutes longer with a more nuanced view of the relationship.
Bull Fights Ram

Venus just entered Taurus this morn after a long slog through Aries.  At last the planet of kindness is in the sign of perseverance and so ruling.

The chart for Sat night attacks on people on and around London Bridge shows Saturn not just rising but crossing the AC, as in entering the last house of fate from the first house of action.  Venus was lined up with Uranus in Aries...... the planet of revolution is in the final year of its explosive journey- through a spring that has almost 80 years of stored experience to release in its 7 year trajectory.

Kindness was not ruling on Saturday, but it was accompanying the blazing rocket hurtling through the high energy section of its expanded orbit.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Venus meeting Uranus

I just have to get this down.  I am thoroughly enjoying the Venus Uranus conjunction especially today with Moon lined up qith Jupiter.

My friend Renee from poetry days (actually Thurs nights) long ago (ac tually around 1985, 86) moved in a few weeks ago.  She teaches reading at the local school for the blind.

Last weekend we went to Rocky Mount to visit crippled Billy and got permission to take him for a car ride!!!  Big surprise.

Now today I find myself studying the braille alphabet and just trying to figure out how blind people get along in the digital age.  I am coming up with questions for Renee as I wonder about things.

A little post script.....this is one of the sites I landed on during my adventures.   Blindsided Movie Reviews